Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk

born 1766-06-29
died 1839-10-29 (Eisenstadt, Austria)
links ÖML ÖBL DB
authorities GND VIAF
archives IMSLP

Johann Nepomuk Fuchs studied with Joseph Haydn. From 1784 he worked in Prince Esterházy’s chapel and took over its direction after Haydn’s death. He retained this post under Prince Nicholas III. and Paul III. Anton for about 40 years. If you believe the few biographical notes available, he was one of the most important church composers of his time. Nevertheless, his works have been almost completely forgotten.


ID Title Genre
(A-Ed A 149) Missa in D major mass
(A-Ed A 159) Missa in D major mass
(A-Ed G 132) Vesperæ Solennes vesper
(A-Ed G 140) Lytaniæ lauretana litany


Lytaniæ lauretana
(A-Ed G 140)

genre litany
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 cl (C), 2 cor (E♭/F), 2 clno (C), timp (C–G), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b cl 1 cl 2 cor 1, 2 coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Missa in D major
(A-Ed A 149)

genre mass
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 cl (A/C), 2 cor (D/G/A), 2 clno (D), timp (D–A), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b cl 1 cl 2 cor 1, 2 coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Missa in D major
(A-Ed A 159)

genre mass
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 cl (C), 2 clno (D), timp (D–A), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b cl 1 cl 2 coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Vesperæ Solennes
in Honorem Conceptionis B:M:V
(A-Ed G 132)

genre vesper
scoring S, A, T, B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), fl, 2 cl (B♭/C), fag, 2 cor (E♭/F/G/B♭), 2 clno (B♭), timp (B♭–F), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b cl 1 cl 2 cor 1, 2 coro fag fl org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0