Boog, Johann Nepomuk

born 1723-12-02 (Vienna, Austria)
died between 1764 and 1790
links ÖML
authorities VIAF
archives IMSLP

Johann Nepomuk Boog is documented as choir regent at the Augustinian Hermit Monastery Church on Landstraße in 1748, and from 1754 at the latest he worked in the same capacity at St. Peter, where he continued to work ten years later; his successor there was Leopold Hofmann. Franz Josef Aumann was among his students.

ID Title Genre
(A-Ed A 21) Missa mass
(A-Ed A 22) Missa solennis mass


Missa solennis
Quasi cedrus exaltata sum in Libano
(A-Ed A 22)

genre mass
scoring S, A, T, 2 B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 clno (C), a-trb, timp (C–G), 2 vl, b, org solo
scores full score a-trb b coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

(A-Ed A 21)

genre mass
scoring S, A, T, B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 clno (C), 2 trb, timp (C–G), 2 vl, b, org
scores full score b coro org ottoni trb 1 trb 2 vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0