Johann Adolf Scheibe grew up in Leipzig. After an abandoned study of law and philosophy, he began to teach himself to play the organ and harpsichord professionally and largely self-taught and worked as a music teacher and composer until 1735. In 1736 he moved to Hamburg and published the magazine Der critische Musicus from 1737 to 1740, which dealt with important questions of musical aesthetics at the time. In 1739, Scheibe was employed as a kapellmeister at Friedrichsruh Castle. In 1740 he was brought to the Danish court at Christiansborg Palace as kapellmeister and royal court composer and quickly became one of the leading figures in the capital’s musical life; he was released in 1748. He then worked in Sønderborg as a music teacher and translator of Danish writers into German. From 1762 until his death he retired to Copenhagen.
Der wundervolle Tod des Welterlöſers
Ein Oratorium. Erſter Theil.
SchW online B2:313
genre |
oratory |
scoring |
3 S, 4 T, 3 B (solo), 2 S, T, B (coro 1), 2 S, T, B (coro 2), 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 ob (grande · A), 2 fag, 2 cor (D), 2 vl, 2 vla, b, bc |
scores |
full score b bc cor 1, 2 coro fag fl 1 fl 2 ob 1 ob 2 soli vl 1 vl 2 vla |
scores and parts |
source |
GitHub |
license |
Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
Auferstehungs- und Himmelfarths=Cantate
SchW online B2:301, 302
genre |
oratorio |
scoring |
S, A, 2 T, B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cor (D/E♭/F/G), 2 clno (D), timp (D–A), 2 vl, vla, b, org |
scores |
full score b cor 1, 2 coro fl 1 fl 2 ob 1 ob 2 org ottoni soli vl 1 vl 2 vla |
scores and parts |
source |
GitHub |
license |