born 1729-05-03 (Most, Czech Republic)
died 1774-01-21 (Vienna, Austria)
links MGG Grove (de) (en) ÖML DB
authorities GND VIAF
archives IMSLP

Florian Leopold Gassmann was an Austrian composer and conductor of the Classical era. Born in the town of Brüx (now Most, Czech Republic), Gassmann made a significant mark in the world of opera and instrumental music during his relatively short life. Gassmann was a versatile composer, known for his operatic works. His most notable achievement was his role in the development of opera buffa, the Italian comic opera. He collaborated with librettist Carlo Goldoni on several comic operas, such as L’opera seria and Il filosofo innamorato. Aside from opera, Gassmann also composed symphonies, chamber music, keyboard pieces, as well as sacral music. His compositions displayed a transition from the Baroque style to the emerging Classical style, marked by clear structures and balanced melodies. Though his life was cut short at the age of 44, Gassmann’s contributions to opera and instrumental music left a lasting impact on the musical landscape of the 18th century.

ID Title Genre
(A-Ed A 97) Missa festiva mass
(A-Ed B 81) Post dira mundi bella sedebit offertorium
(A-Ed B 82) Beatus vir qui inventus est sine macula offertorium
(A-Wn HK.2562) Ascendit Deus gradual
(A-Wn HK.32/I) Regina cœli antiphon
(D-Dl Mus.2973-D-10) Missa in D major mass
(D-Dl Mus.2973-D-26) Te Deum hymn
(D-NATk NA/SP (G-3)) Fremant venti et procellæ offertorium
HilG 301 12 Fugues misc
KosG 6 Requiem requiem


12 Fugues
HilG 301

genre misc
scoring 2 vl, b, [bc]
scores full score b bc bc (realizzato) vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Ascendit Deus
(A-Wn HK.2562)

genre gradual
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), ob, 2 clno (C), 2 trb, timp (C–G), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b coro ob org ottoni trb 1 trb 2 vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Beatus vir qui inventus est sine macula
Offertorium de Ascensione Domini et de Quocunque Sancto Martyre
(A-Ed B 82)

genre offertorium
scoring B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 clno (C), timp (C–G), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Fremant venti et procellæ
(D-NATk NA/SP (G-3))

genre offertorium
scoring B (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 ob, 2 cor (D), 2 clno (D), timp (D–A), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score B solo b cor 1, 2 coro ob 1 ob 2 org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Missa festiva
Gentes adorabunt supremum magnumque orbis numen
(A-Ed A 97)

genre mass
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 vl, b, org
scores full score b coro org vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Missa in D major
(D-Dl Mus.2973-D-10)

genre mass
scoring A, 2 T, B (solo), A, 2 T, B (coro), 2 cor (D/F), 2 clno (D), 2 vl, b, org
scores full score b coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Post dira mundi bella sedebit
Offertorium de Tempore, Beata, et Sancta
(A-Ed B 81)

genre offertorium
scoring S (solo), S, A, T, B (coro), 2 clno (C), timp (C–G), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b coro org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

Regina cœli
(A-Wn HK.32/I)

genre antiphon
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 trb, 2 vl, b, org
scores full score b coro org trb 1 trb 2 vl 1 vl 2
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0

KosG 6

genre requiem
scoring S, A, T, B (coro), 2 ob, 2 trb, 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b coro ob 1 ob 2 org trb 1 trb 2 vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Te Deum
(D-Dl Mus.2973-D-26)

genre hymn
scoring S, A, T, B (coro 1), S, A, T, B (coro 2), 2 ob, 2 clno (D), timp (D–A), 2 vl, vla, b, org
scores full score b coro 1 coro 2 ob 1 ob 2 org ottoni vl 1 vl 2 vla
IMSLP scores and parts
source GitHub
license CC BY-SA 4.0