New editions
Boog, Johann Nepomuk
Caldara, Antonio
Eybler, Joseph Leopold Edler von
Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk
- Lytaniæ lauretana (A-Ed G 140)
- Missa in D major (A-Ed A 159)
- Vesperæ Solennes (A-Ed G 132)
Johann Nepomuk Fuchs studied with Joseph Haydn. From 1784 he worked in Prince Esterházy’s chapel and took over its direction after Haydn’s death. He retained this post under Prince Nicholas III. and Paul III. Anton for about 40 years. If you believe the few biographical notes available, he was one of the most important church composers of his time. Nevertheless, his works have been almost completely forgotten. Our editions (more are in preparation) will hopefully revive interest in this great composer.
Galuppi, Baldassare
Haydn, Johann Michael
- Vesperæ pro festo Sanctissimæ Innocentium MH 548
A vesper for female choir (SSA).
- Vesperæ de Dominica MH 809
The autograph manuscript of this work (H-Bn Ms.mus II.48, dated 1802-01-27) is a setting of the psalm Dixit Dominus in four movements. By contrast, this version contains five vesper movements. Most likely, the original psalm setting was arranged to a vesper by Johann Wittmann of the Lambach abbey (copy A-LA 1397, dated 1802–1823). This is corroborated by the title page of a copy in the Kremsmünster abbey (A-KR E 14/61, dated 1823; title page: “[…] Ex Michaelis Haydn unico Psalmo: | Dixit Dominus traductae, et transformatae | per D. Joannem Wittmann, Musicum Lamba- | censem”). The copy in the Domarchiv Salzburg (A-Sd A 561, dated 1831) contains an additional setting of Laudate Dominum by Luigi Gatti.
- Applicatio MH 279
One of two sacred compositions in honor of St. Rupert of Salzburg, which have been preserved in the British Library (GB-Lbm Add. 32.173).
- Attale et Erimene MH 11
The fragment of an early profane cantata.
- The Proprium Missæ project now also includes MH 253, 269, 379, and 400. Moreover, MH 29 has been updated (realized org).
Hofmann, Leopold
Novotný, Franz Nikolaus
Reutter der Jüngere, Georg
- Missa Sanctæ Rosaliæ HofR 7/15
This mass was formerly attributed to Leopold Hofmann (Missa festiva, A-Ed A 99).
Tůma, František Ignác Antonín
Zechner, Johann Georg
- This project collects various performance materials used by the Cantorey der Kirche der Barmherzigen Brüder Schärding. It mainly comprises organ parts with realized bass figures. The initial release contains all scores that have been collected from the early 2000s to July 2023.
- The webpage now contains metadata for all composers, including links to archives (IMSLP, CPDL), encyclopedias (MGG, Grove, …), authority identifiers, and short biographies.