Quarterly update Q2/2023
New editions
Aumann, Franz Josef
- Missa Sancti Martini DorA I.7
Caldara, Antonio
- Missa (A-Ed A 44)
Ehrenhard, Johann Franz
- Missa (A-Ed A 26)
Eybler, Joseph Leopold Edler von
- The Missa in C major HerEy 7 and Missa Sanctæ Theresiæ HerEy 29 have been updated.
Gassmann, Florian Leopold
- Ascendit Deus (A-Wn HK.2562)
- Regina cœli (A-Wn HK.32/I)
Haydn, Johann Michael
- The Litaniæ de Venerabili Sacramento MH 66 and MH 532 have been updated. Notable, the edition of the former litany now uses the autograph manuscript (D-B Mus. ms. autogr. Haydn, J. M. 8) as principal source.
- The Proprium Missæ project now also includes MH 22, 40, 47, 75, 97–99, 113, 123, 126, 128, 131, 201, 224, 263, 270, 275, 281, 283, 341–343, 350, 357, 359, 392, 395, 426, 436, 437, 526, 528, 554, 572, 573, 595, 792, 793 798, 810, 827, 828, 830, as well as the spurious works D1 (F-Pn D-5983 (5)), D2 (A-Ed E 68), and D3 (A-Ed F 25). Moreover, MH 183 uses the autograph manuscript (PL-Kj Mus. ms. autogr. Haydn, J. Mich. 6) as principal source, and MH 363 (cross reference to MH 810) and 365 (parts for three trombones) have been updated.
Hofmann, Leopold
- En? qui hic in cunis vagit (A-Wn F.24.St.Peter.F21)
Kolberer, Cajetan
- Miserere in D minor (D-Dl Mus.2251-E-1)
- Miserere in C minor (D-Dl Mus.2251-E-2)
- Miserere in G minor (D-Dl Mus.2251-E-3)
- Suscepimus Deus (D-Dl Mus.2251-E-4)
Three psalms and an introitus whose attribution to Kolberer is uncertain. The psalm settings have been substantially revised by Jan Dismas Zelenka, with some sections entirely in his hand.
Tůma, František Ignác Antonín
- Missa brevis (A-Wn Mus.Hs.19009)
- The Cantores Carmeli Linz and Collegium Instrumentale Carmeli, conducted by Michael Stenov, have performed Eybler’s Missa in C HerEy 7 on Whitsunday (2023-06-28).
- The Cantorey der Kirche der Barmherzigen Brüder Schärding has performed Michael Haydn’s Alleluia ascendit Deus MH 365 on Ascension Day (2023-05-18) and the Missa in honorem Sanctissimæ Trinitatis MH 1 on the Feast of Corpus Christi (2023-06-08).