New editions

Brixi, František Xaver

Caldara, Antonio

Eberlin, Johann Ernst

Haydn, Johann Michael

  • Missa in honorem Sanctissimæ Trinitatis MH 1
    The earliest of Haydn’s known works, which he composed at the age of 16 for the first mass celebrated in the new Roman Catholic Dome in Timișoara on 8 September 1754. While this work is overly long, several sections bear witness of Haydn’s incredible talent even at this youg age.
  • Applausus MH 144
  • Hermann MH 148
    A ballet pantomime in four parts which is only available from an authentic copy (F-Pn D-5674) by Werigand Rettensteiner, with corrections in Haydn’s hand. The first two parts (Del Ballo la parte prima and seconda) comprise short instrumental pieces. The third part (Dedicatio) contains Latin and German recitativos and arias praising the Germanic chieftain Arminius. It concludes with a male choir Magne Deus Teutonum. The final part (Le Marcie) features two pifferi and several percussion instruments (instrumento d’acciaio, tamburo, tamburino, triangolo).
  • The Proprium Missæ project now also includes MH 277, 278, 326, 351–353, 355, 356, 360, 363–365, 369–378, 380, 382, 385–387, and 829.

Hofmann, Leopold

Reinhardt, Johann Georg

  • Magnificat (D-Dl Mus.2793-D-3)
  • Missa dominicalis (D-Dl Mus.2793-D-1)
    This mass by Reinhardt has been substantially revised by Jan Dismas Zelenka, who largely wrote the string parts and added many corrections in org. Moreover, several sections are entirely in Zelenka’s hand, notably the complete Bene­dictus and Agnus Dei.
  • Missa Vita hominis brevis est (D-Dl Mus.2793-D-2)
    The manuscript has been written by Jan Dismas Zelenka and Copyist Zelenka 0. Lyrics are almost entirely missing and have been reconstructed by the editor.
  • Sonata in G major (D-Dl Mus.2793-O-1)

Tůma, František Ignác Antonín


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