Quarterly update Q2/2024

New main focus areas

In order to sharpen the edition’s profile, we have formulated four key areas of work for the next few years:

  1. Johann Michael Haydn. We will continue our work on the Proprium Missæ project and plan to edit all known litanies.
  2. Joseph Leopold Eybler: Sacred music. We are working on a complete edition of Eybler’s sacral music, including his masses and short liturgical works.
  3. František Ignác Antonín Tůma: Complete works. We are working on a complete edition of Tůma’s compositions and on a catalogue of his works. To this end, all available editions of Tůma’s works have been revised and assigned catalogue of works numbers.
  4. Gregor Joseph Werner: Collected works. Concurrently, we are working on a catalogue of Werner’s works, and a comprehensive edition of his works (which will hopefully evolve into a complete edition some day).

Notably, we do not list projects separately on the edition’s website anymore, since they have been combined with editions of other works by the respective composer.

New editions

Eybler, Joseph Leopold Edler von

Haydn, Johann Michael

  • Ah ingrato m’inganni MH 70
    An aria which is listed as lost in the catalogue of works, but the autograph manuscript has been discovered in the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
  • Laudate Dominum MH 260

Tůma, František Ignác Antonín

Werner, Gregor Joseph