Editors’ choice
The Proprium Missæ project will eventually provide editions of all short liturgical works by Michael Haydn. Now that the first phase of this project comes to a close, it is time to recommend some fascinating works.
The gradual that has fascinated me most is Exultabunt sancti (370), a vivid account of Haydn’s creativity. Written in E minor (3/8 time signature), it is a highly dramatic piece that culminates in a surprisingly chromatic Alleluia.
The following works are also of extraordinary interest:
- 341: Viderunt omnes (polyphonic)
- 342: Laudate pueri (for female chorus)
- 344: Hic est discipulus ille
- 345: Ecce sacerdos magnus
- 351: Salvos fac nos
- 360: Dolorosa et lacrymabilis es (extremely sad and colorful)
- 365: Alleluia, ascendit Deus
- 381: Benedicite Dominum
- 385: Timete Dominum (finishes with an allebreve fugue)
- 442: Universi qui te expectant
- 453: Tribulationes cordis mei
- 497: Timebunt gentes (6/8 time signature)
- 638: Gaude virgo mater Christi
- 827: Domine Deus salutis meæ (a 4 voci in canone)
- 183: Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant (established Haydn’s fame as church composer)
- 259: Quicunque manducaverit (highly dramatic and chromatic solo and tutti parts, very baroque)
- 269: Canta Ierusalem (rondo)
- 400: Læta quies magni ducis
(But really, all of them are interesting!).
- 800: Te Deum